
Showing posts from October, 2011

Best. Blog. Ever.

The blog you are about to read is the best ever. I have proclaimed it, thus it be so. October is American Cheese Month, Caffeine Addiction Recovery Month and Feral Hog Month. This month has some awkward recognitions: it’s National Bake and Decorate Month, National Popcorn Poppin’ Month and National Caramel Month while also being National Dental Hygiene Month. It’s also Pizza month and appropriately it’s also Sausage month. Nothing about Pepperoni. And not to leave anybody out it’s also National Vegetarian month which is not to be confused with November, National Vegan month. Seems like this blog should be in December which is Awareness Month of Awareness Months Month though I’m just celebrating October as National Sarcasm Month. (See full list .) Video Version of Blog: President Obama issues nearly 200 Presidential Proclamations per year…about on par with President Reagan. President Bush (#43) had approx. 120 and President Clinton averaged 125. In March I missed “

Fore for Four

Click on Video above for Vlog summary.  Full post with links and comics below: Friday, October 14 was “Take out the Trash Day” at the White House. The expression, from and early episode of The West Wing , describes a strategy for releasing sensitive information that for one reason or another the Administration doesn’t want to draw attention to. It’s usually late on a Friday and there are a number of items bundled together. This past week it included the administration’s abandoning CLASS – the long term care option under ‘Obamacare.’ The administration authorized the use of military force to intercept planes out of Brazil that might be carrying drugs, even though Brazil has legalized individual use of most drugs.  And, finally, the President released a letter he sent to Congress declaring war in Africa. War in Africa? On October 14 the U.S. sent two combat equipped teams plus logistics personnel to Central Africa to remove Lord’s Resistance Army Leader Joseph Kony fro

Slippery slope is very wet

It must be pretty quiet at the White House these days. I would have thought that they’d be really busy with 3 (soon to be 4) active military conflicts, an ongoing global economic crisis, regulations to write and revise and the general activity of running a $3.4 trillion enterprise. Not to mention gearing up for a $1 billion campaign to keep the office. With all of that going on they still have time to monitor advertising of a private company and question it. Ford Motor Company is a storied American company. The company embodies what Americans see in themselves: innovation, financial success and, like their long time ad campaign, quality. During the 2008 financial realignment, industry leader General Motors and also-ran competitor Chrysler went to Washington and asked for relief. Ford executives supported the concept of the bailout but did not require assistance themselves. The company made and released an ad a few weeks ago  where a customer explains why he chose t

Third Branch or Third Wheel?

The first Monday in October marks the day that the Supreme Court starts their session for the year. By June they will have rendered their decisions. The Supreme Court symbolizes the importance that the justice system holds in American society. Justice is revered by Americans around the world with the recent acquittal and release of Amanda Knox getting hurrahs from Americans and the media. It was just a few weeks ago that two Americans were released by Iran after having been accused of espionage but never given a trial. Punishing people without due process is outrageous to most Americans. The framers of the Constitution intended the three branches of government to be a “checks and balances” system. The judicial branch oversees the court system of the U.S. Unlike a criminal court, the Supreme Court rules whether something is constitutional or unconstitutional. It is suppsed to be equal in stature to the legislative branch (which make laws) and the Executive branch (which makes