The Union Label
“Union supporter” isn’t a description that most would naturally associate with me. In fact, for most of my professional career I’ve happily worked in non-union situations and whenever given the choice, I tend to opt for the solution that keeps unions out. Many friends and colleagues are passionate members of their unions and recoil at my brash management prejudice. As it has since 1894 a nother Labor Day is upon us. Aside from it being a long weekend for most workers and the symbolic end to 'summer' – it’s one of the few tangible remnants of the Union heyday. Despite the fast food worker strike today , c onventional thinking largely have Unions being obsolete. In the current U.S. economic quandary the Unions actually have an opportunity that they haven't taken. My blog last week generated some interesting dialogues and commentary in a variety of places. Some of the questions that were raised went beyond the scope of the piece itself. Does it m