Comrade Barack
In December 2013 the world shook its collective heads as Russian President Vladimir Putin dissolved the State News Agency and replaced it with an outlet that will provide even friendlier coverage. The new agency is reminiscent of Pravda , the official newspaper of Communist Russia. Just this week Putin has replaced the longstanding head of Radio Russia with somebody who will not air dissenting voices. Western media and devotees of freedom tsk-tsk over the crackdown, but largely shrug it off as it is expected of the Russian leader. President Barack Obama’s administration took similar steps to control the U.S. media, provoking dissent at home. In May 2013 the Federal Communications Commission (made up of 5 members, all chosen by the President and approved by the Senate, with only 3 members being of one party) issued a 78-page study by Social Solutions International that designed research to identify the critical information needs (CIN) of the American population. Th