A Chilly War
Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to war we go. Da da duh da, da da duh da…. Oh, wait. That’s not the accurate Disney lyric, is it? It just seems so listening to the frothing by a variety of “leaders” up in arms over the annexation of Crimea. In August of 2013 my blog Fight Fight Fight looked at the various wars that the U.S. is involved with and whether they made sense. I’m surprised that President Obama and a number of political leaders seem to have taken my comments literally. “…It’s much better when we have a definable enemy whom we can personify. Vladimir Putin is the perfect foil – right out of Central Casting. Quite dour looking. He’s remaking Russia into the Soviet Union V2.0. He’s given safe haven to Edward Snowden, a huge irritant to the Obama administration. He’s declared war on gay people – throwing civil rights and basic humanity out the window.” The media and political establishment are quite energized at being able to tell a black/white, good-guy/bad-guy stor