Profiling Justice
I enjoy people watching. I’ll make up an entire back story about somebody based totally on how they look, walk, interact with others. Then they’ll do something that is ‘out-of-character’ with the person I’ve made up and I’ll revise their entire history. It’s an amusing and harmless way to while away time. Perhaps I’m wistful for my days working in entertainment, or perhaps I’m a profiler. And if I’m a profiler – then it’s a good thing I live in a state with a stand your ground law – I can be a total help to law enforcement. The Castle Doctrine permits somebody to use deadly force in protecting their ‘castle.’ There’s a unique variation on each of the states that it’s on the books for – but the essential philosophy is an extension of the mountain of constitutional self-defense law . The principle now extends to one’s personal space, not just possessions. These sorts of laws are quite popular – with property-owning constituents and their elected rep